Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Sweater Outifts Ideas

2015 its time for sweater yeaaay.. karena sekarang musim hujan aku mau kasih kalian ideas mix & match with sweater, i made it by my self so, hope you like it :D
kinda rock look a like
i love the colors, when maroon meet the black omg. agak rebel tapi masih cute with the bow.
terus di padu sama converse grey jadi lebih confy.
wednesday with pink
ini full confy dan girly walaupun sederhana tapi manis because the white skinny jeans :D

pinky kitty
pink + white + kitty = R Q T !! the light grey with white vans such a deal!

this beach summer outfit look a like is awesome, i love the ombre sweater and the bag is qwt >,<

warnanya glow banget, cool, aku suka aja warna dark ketemu shocking blue kaya nyala hehe
di tambah galaxy pattern di tasnya makin qewl hehe, jadi aku paduin sama converse with stud biar poll :D

my favourite oneeee!!!! ini classy tapi keren jeans yg rebel cocok banget sama knitted sweaternya,
yang bikin nyolok itu nike nya omg omg suka banget, bikin outfit ini inget taylor swift red + kitty + sweater from back to descember hehehe :P

okey girls, kurang lebih itu outfit ideas dari aku, cocok buat kampus dan emang sengaja mayoritas pake backpack hehe.. semoga bermanfaat :D

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